
Welcome to our website!

We are an international freight forwarding company offering you the most efficient way to transport your cargo.
Your loads are same important to us no matter how big or how small they are.

Panmar Ltd is your premium transport provider. We are dedicated in providing high quality and personalized service to our clients.
Our team has many years of both freight forwarding and traffic management experience.

Panmar Ltd competency reaches across Europe and globally.

Why us?

  • We always serve our customers with long term visions based on strong relationship

  • Commitment to quality

  • Key Certification ISO 9001 / SQAS / AEO

  • Strong credit control procedures in place

  • Regular training of all staff

  • Healthy financial position

  • Modern operating system and securities

News / Announcements

We promote Quality of Service

and we effectively steward our company to provide excellent service to the customers we serve…

Our Company is insured cover by Gras Savoye Willis S.A. and GSW-NET TRUST S.A.

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